Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I figured photos would be the best way to play catch-up for the last 4 months in The Garden State.
The boys came to visit for Riley's birthday at the end of July. It was so fun to have them here! It was the perfect taste of home. We took them on the ferry to spend a day in New York, had a beach day, and went to Six Flags. The weather was perfect and it was awesome to be able to show them around our little beach town, and let them see Ri on the job.
Lately we have been trying to spend the days we have off exploring the state a little bit. We went to the Monmouth County Fair, spent a weekend at a "ski resort" about two hours away. Nothing like our Utah mountains, but it was nice to see a couple of pine trees! We made a little visit to the Manhattan temple and happened to run into someone riley had taught on his mission. We have gone on countless walks along the shore with Bronx, and had a little evacuation adventure with Hurricane Irene.
As far as an update on what we are currently doing, I am working in a salon full time. Its been fun to get into the "real world", but I still feel like I am learning so much and I'm loving it. Riley is loving his job, and I must say I'm happy with it too. I am so proud of what he is doing, and seeing how much he enjoys it is so great. He is also taking a class three nights a week to get his Firefighting 1 certification, and will be working with our local fire department (on his days off from the CG) starting early next year.
I have to say that I still feel so blessed to be where we are. I sometimes think back to where we were a year ago, or two years ago, and I'm in awe at how lucky we are.
Anyway, here come the photos. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I heart you Sar! Thanks for the fun update... it is always so great to see what is happening in other's lives that are far away! I miss you! So, you are loving your job? I have been thinking about you and was wondering how that was going! You and Riley look so happy... I am so happy for you! Can I get your address so I can send you our Christmas card this year? You can email me at amberlicious_1@hotmail.com Love you!
