Wednesday, September 19, 2012


All I ever wanted was to marry my perfect someone (check!) and to be a mom (check!). It's still so surreal to me that both of those things are now the biggest parts of my life.
Riley went back to work over the weekend which meant I would be completely on my own with Sweet Mason for three full days. I know, probably not that big of a deal, but I will admit I was a bit terrified. I have learned to appreciate Riley even more since we have become parents. I already knew he was the most patient, funny, smart, and determined person I have ever met. And good looking I might add! But watching him be a dad has revealed a whole new side. As previously mentioned, I was fairly sick for the first two days after having Mason. The magnesium they put me on made me groggy, shaky, nauseated, and tired beyond reason. The only way I can describe it is like on The Hunger Games (I know how lame the reference is... Sue me!) when they get stung by those crazy wasps. I was pretty much useless. And my Riley stepped up in the biggest way. He did everything. All the diaper changes, all the communication with the hospital staff about both mine and Mason's care, kept our families posted with updates and pictures, and comforted me through the pain and fatigue I was feeling. Riley is a rock star. And since we have been home it he hasn't taken a break. He is up with me for every late night and early morning feeding, bathes Mason so I can "get ready" for my day, rocks the baby to sleep, keeps the house tidy, and handles the stress of providing for a family of three like he has been doing it for years. This man of mine is truly amazing. I couldn't be more blessed.
That all said, when the time came for him to go back to work, my anxiety was through the roof!
It was a weekend of trial and error, but I think I'm finally getting the hang of this mom thing. And when Riley went to work this morning for his two day shift, I wasn't even scared! I have learned all sorts of tricks! For instance, hampers are useless. If you simply put clothes directly into washer, you just have to turn it on when it's full! This week I have learned to do pretty much everything with one hand so the other can be holding Mason. My shirt always has spit up on it, so between the three of us, there are no less than 5 wardrobe changes a day. I have been peed on four times now, once was a direct shot to the face. But I have gotten the hang of changing boy diapers and am proud to report that if necessary, I can successfully change a poop in less than one minute.
I am loving every minute of being a mom. I love what it has done to mine and Riley's relationship. I love sitting on the couch with Mason trying to make him smile and forcing my finger into his tiny fist. I love that it feels like he has always been a part of our family. I love late at night when I just get to hold him and smell him and sing every children's song I know. And when I run out, just singing regular songs really slow and quiet to make them sound like lullabyes.
I love Riley.
I love Mason.
I love motherhood.


  1. I love Sara! You are such a good example of love and looking for the positive in everything. Miss you!

  2. what a cute mom and family! you guys are amazing and i am so jealous of the fun adventures you are having together! can't wait to see you in a week :)

  3. I miss you guys but mostly Mase. I miss seeing you both get peed on and wondering how many Stewarts does it take to change a diaper. You are THE best first time parents --- well, parents -- Ive ever seen. So proud of you. Love you three!

  4. You are the best mom ever. I love you! Keep telling Mason his Auntie Kit loves him the most!
