Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's a...

Last week we were able to make a spontaneous trip home for a few days to spend some much needed time with the fam. While we were in Salt Lake we went to Fetal Foto to find out whether we were shopping for pink or blue. My whole family was able to come and it was so fun to be surrounded by family and to see my little sister's reactions to the ultrasound. The minute the tech put the wand thing on my belly, we could tell right away IT'S A BOY!!
We are so stinking excited! I had a feeling from the very beginning that it was a little boy. Every time I looked at an ultrasound, or thought of names, it was just a boy. So I wasn't the slightest bit surprised, I don't think anyone else was either. But it was still so exciting! He seems so much bigger than the last time we had an ultrasound. I loved seeing all his little features and his chubby tummy and his ears just like his daddy's. It's truly amazing the blessings technology can bring!
I have been feeling pretty great lately. I get some pretty gnarly heartburn at night, but that's about it. The baby has been super active, especially around bedtime. I guess it takes him a while to settle in for the night too. Riley was finally able to feel him kick yesterday and it seems like all day today he has been doing flips!
Anyway, it's been a very exciting and busy couple of weeks, but I'll post a belly picture soon. I'm lookin pretty round these days!


  1. How FUN for your whole family to be there! It's so exciting to find out the gender and start planning a room and boy's names and picking out boy things! I'm so happy for you Sar! I miss you too... and your whole family!!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! woo hoooooo!!!! a little boy! I'm so happy for you. I wish we could have seen you when you were in salt lake!
