Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Rainy Day in NYC...

Tuesday we made our monthly trip to the temple, and with the babe set to arrive at the end of the summer, we have been trying to squeeze some activities in the city while we still can.
This month we went to the Museum of Natural History. It was pouring rain all day but it was so fun to run around New York under our little umbrella! We also found a new, and fabulously delicious, pizza place while trying to wait out the storm. So that was an added plus.
The museum was a blast. There is so much to see, and after spending a good two hours there, I'm sure we could go back for another two and see just a much. But that's for another day!

1 comment:

  1. This is the maxi dress. Im retarded, i commented on your last post about how much i like this. Where is it from?
