I know, I know, another cheeser blog about how much I love my husband. But I had to share a little tidbit about how great he really is.
As I previously mentioned, Sundays at the Stewart home have turned in to pizza days. We either have frozen pizza, or I pick up a "pie" from this really fabulous place in town on my way home from work on Saturday and we have the left overs on Sunday. It's silly, but it's something we have both grown to look forward to.
Tonight we were having our pizza, and when I commented on how yummy the crust was, Riley took the last bite of cheese and sauce, and handed me his crust.
I couldn't help but smile. First, because the crust really was that good. Im not ashamed, come to Jersey and you will understand the heaven that is reeeeal Italian pizza. But also because it reminded me how much I truly love being married to this man. Riley is my best friend. He is everything I want to be. He is thoughtful, selfless, hilarious, kind, handsome, and fully dedicated to everything he does. He is the yin to my yang. He is better than really good pizza crust.
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