Monday, November 28, 2011


This year we decided that since we couldn't be home for Thanksgiving, we would do our own feast! We had a couple of Riley's buddies from the station come, and it was actually really fun! Riley made the turkey (it was perfect!), stuffing and banana cream pie. I made the carrots, potatoes, and party jello. We made a great team and had a great time cooking together all morning.
Maybe we will host Thanksgiving every year... Maybe...
We really have so much to be thankful for, this year especially. Our incredible families who are still as supportive as ever (even when we are 2300 miles apart), we both have jobs that we love, we live in a great place, drive a great car, we have a great dog, and are members or the true church. And when the homesickness strikes as it sometimes does, and we are tired of work, and laundry is piling up. It is these things I remind myself of and all the blues are gone in no time!

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